Programme of the 24th IMMS
(final version - at least
till the beginning of the meeting
Saturday, May 13th - Sunday, May 14th,
2006 |
Pre-conference tour to Kraków and
Wieliczka |
Sunday, May 14th,
2006 |
16:00 – 19:00 |
Registration |
19:00 – |
Get-together party |
Monday, May 15th,
2006 |
8:15 – 8:45 |
Registration |
8:45 – 9:00 |
Opening |
Chaiman: K. Vékey |
MoPl01 |
9:00 – 9:30 |
J.H. Futrell,
J. Laskin, I. K. Chu
Collisional activation
and dissociation of even- and odd-electron peptide ions |
MoPl02 |
9:30 – 10:00 |
G. Allmaier,
M. Zehl, R. Mistrik, O. Belgacem, E. Raptakis, E. Pittenauer
Comparison of
CID-spectra of singly charged biomolecule precursor ions
obtained by positive-ion vacuum MALDI IT/RTOF and TOF/CFR,
AP-MALDI-IT and ESI-IT mass spectrometry |
MoOr01 |
10:00 – 10:20 |
G. Grasso,
G. Spoto, E. Rizzarelli, M. Fragai, K. Joo Yeo
In situ
MALDI-MS characterization of MMPs anchored on gold surfaces |
MoOr02 |
10:20 – 10:40 |
A. Jegorov, M.
Hajduch, M. Sulc, V. Havlíček
Non-ribosomal cyclic
peptides: specific markers of fungal infections |
MoOr03 |
10:40 – 11:00 |
C. Lenz and V. Kruft
Detection and identification of analytes
in complex mixtures: unique applications of hybrid triple
quadrupole/linear ion trap mass spectrometry |
11:00 – 11:30 |
Coffee break |
Chairman: J.H. Futrell |
MoPl03 |
11:30 – 12:00 |
R. Wu, T.B.
Proton transport
isomerization in gas phase amino acids and peptides |
MoOr04 |
12:00 – 12:20 |
M. Culea,
N. Nanulescu
SIM-GC-MS method for liver function test |
MoOr05 |
12:20 – 12:40 |
P. Mikulčíková,
P. Van Eenoo, Wim Van Thuyne, K. Deventer, F. Delbeke
Excretion study after
administration of three different progestins |
MoOr06 |
12:40 – 13:00 |
E. Ragazzi, S.
Pucciarelli, R. Seraglia, M. Agostini, M. Lise, P. Traldi,
D. Nitti, L. Molin
Multivariate analysis
to the plasma protein profile of patients with advanced
colorectal cancer |
13:00 – 14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 – 15:30 |
Poster session 1 |
Chairman: T.B. McMahon |
MoPl04 |
15:30 – 16:00 |
J. Sikora, J. Poznański, T. Rubel, M.
Bakun, A. Malinowska, M. Kotliński, K. Szczęsna, K.
Karczmarski, M. Dadlez
analyses of complex protein sets |
MoOr07 |
16:00 – 16:20 |
K. Nagy, A.
Jakab, F. Pollreisz, L. Ceraulo, M.R. Averna, D. Noto, K.
A novel HPLC-MS method
for analysis of plasma sterols |
MoOr08 |
16:20 – 16:40 |
(Shim-Pol – representative of Shimadzu
Corporation) |
16:40 – 17:10 |
Coffee break |
Chairman: G. Allmaier |
MoPl05 |
17:10 – 17:40 |
M. Glocker
Molecular signatures of polygenic
diseases - the role of mass
spectrometric proteome analysis in individualized medicine |
MoPl06 |
17:40 – 18:10 |
J. Chmelík,
J. Žídková, P. Řehulka, J. Bobáĺová
proteomic identification |
MoOr09 |
18:10 – 18:30 |
L. Kolářová,
M. Holčapek, P. Císař, M. Nobilis
HPLC/MS/MS in the analysis of drug
metabolites |
MoOr10 |
18:30 – 18:50 |
M. Kowalczuk, G. Adamus
High-throughput structural characterization of
polyhydroxy¬alkanoates by mass spectrometry |
- |
Conference dinner |
Tuesday, May 16th,
Chairman: P.B. Armentrout |
TuPl01 |
9:00 – 9:30 |
M.F. Bush, J.
O’Brien, S. Krishnaswamy, E.R. Williams
Bridging solution and
gas-phase chemistry with nanodrop mass spectrometry |
TuPl02 |
9:30 – 10:00 |
F. De Angelis,
S. Reale
Study of metal cations
binding selectivity of ligands by ESI-MS |
TuOr01 |
10:00 – 10:20 |
P.C. Burgers,
J.J.A. van Kampen, R. de Groot, T.M. Luider,
P.J.A. Ruttink
Quantitative analysis of pharmaceutical
compounds by MALDI-TOF MS: mechanism for alkali ion
attachment |
TuOr02 |
10:20 – 10:40 |
A. Giuliani,
O. Laprévote
Ion formation mechanisms in atmospheric
pressure photoionization of biomolecules |
TuOr03 |
10:40 – 11:00 |
G. Zurek, B.
Schneider, A. Ingendoh, C. Baessmann, M. Spraul, C. Fusch
(presented by Marcus Macht, Bruker Daltonics)
Metabolic profiling of baby urine by
LC/MS/MS and chemometry |
11:00 – 11:30 |
Coffee break |
Chairman: E.R. Williams |
TuPl03 |
11:30 – 12:00 |
P. Derrick
Ion optics at elevated
pressures: electrospray and electrodynamics |
TuOr04 |
12:00 – 12:20 |
P. Řihák,
J. Čáslavský
Identification of
cluster boron compounds by ESI-MS |
TuOr05 |
12:20 – 12:40 |
R. Frański,
B. Gierczyk, G. Schroeder, S. Pieper, A. Springer, M.
Electrospray ionization mass
spectrometric study of mercury complexes of n-heterocyclic
carbenes derived from 1,2,4-triazolium salt precursors |
TuOr06 |
12:40 – 13:00 |
G. Moneti, S.
Francese, G. Mastrobuoni, G. Pieraccini, R. Seraglia, G.
Valitutti and P. Traldi
Do collisions inside
the collision cell play a relevant role in CID-LIFT
experiments? |
13:00 – 14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 – 15:30 |
Poster session 2 |
Chairperson: M. Claeys |
TuPl04 |
15:30 – 16:00 |
F.-X. Li, P. B.
The chemistry of
third-row transition metal ions |
TuOr07 |
16:00 – 16:20 |
H. Wincel
Hydration of gas-phase
protonated and sodiated amino acids |
TuOr08 |
16:20 – 16:40 |
O. Martiskainen, B.
Ośmiałowski, R. Gawinecki, K. Pihlaja
Electron ionization
mass spectra and tautomerism of 2-phenacylpyridines |
TuOr09 |
16:40 – 17:00 |
J. Loth (Anchem – representative
of Thermo Corporation) |
17:00 – 17:30 |
Coffee break |
Chairman: P. Derrick |
TuPl05 |
17:30 – 18:00 |
H.K. Ervasti, K.J.
Jobst, P.C. Burgers, P.J.A. Ruttink, J.K. Terlouw
The dissociation
chemistry of the acrylonitrile dimer ion: an experimental
and theoretical study |
TuPl06 |
18:00 – 18:30 |
D. Kuck
A review on a
renaissance: gaseous C7H9+
and related “simple” alkylbenzenium ions |
TuOr10 |
18:30 – 18:50 |
K.J. Jobst,
P.C. Burgers, P.J.A. Ruttink, J.K. Terlouw
The loss of NH2O•
from the N-hydroxyacetamide radical cation CH3C(=O)NHOH•+
: an ion-catalysed rearrangement |
19:30 – |
Grill party |
Wednesday, May 17th,
2006 |
Chairman: J.K. Terlouw |
WePl01 |
9:00 – 9:30 |
M. Claeys,
W. Wang, I. Kourtchev, R. Szmigielski, R. Vermeylen, and W.
Characterisation of
secondary organic aerosol from photo-oxidation of isoprene:
a review of field and chamber studies |
WePl02 |
9:30 – 10:00 |
K. Połeć-Pawlak,
J.K. Abramski, R. Ruzik, O.
Semenova, C.G. Hartinger, A.R. Timerbaev, B.K. Keppler,
M. Jarosz
Interaction of
selected noble metal complexes with albumin and transferrin
– a study by CE-ICP-MS |
WeOr01 |
10:00 – 10:20 |
R. Szmigielski,
R. Vermeylen, K. Szmigielska, J. D. Surratt, J. H. Kroll,
N.L. Ng, S.M. Murphy, L. Hildebrandt, J.H. Seinfeld, M.
Use of complementary
MS approaches to the characterization of secondary organic
aerosol from photooxidation of isoprene |
WeOr02 |
10:20 – 10:40 |
L. Montanari, C.
Flego, A. Rizzi, A. Smaniotto, R. Seraglia, P. Traldi
Factors influencing
the resolution drop in LDI analysis of complex natural
matrix |
10:40 – 11:20 |
Coffee break |
Chairman: P. Traldi |
WePl03 |
11:20 – 11:50 |
K. Lemr,
V. Ranc, P. Fryčák, P. Bednář, V. Havlíček
discrimination by mass spectrometry using the kinetic method |
WeOr03 |
11:50 – 12:10 |
M.V. Kosevich,
O.A. Boryak, V.V. Chagovets, V.V. Shelkovsky, V.A.
Pashynska, and A. Gomory
Matrix suppression
effect under FAB/SIMS revised |
WeOr04 |
12:10 – 12:30 |
S. Cristoni
Surface activated
chemical ionization and high flow gradient chromatography to
reduce matrix effect |
WeOr05 |
12:30 – 12:50 |
T. Bieńkowski (Applera) |
13:00 – 14:00 |
Lunch |
14:15 – 17:00 |
Short walk in the surrounding hills
(depending on the weather conditions) |
Chairman: K. Lemr |
WePl04 |
17:00 – 17:30 |
P. Traldi
The evolution of
quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry |
WePl05 |
17:30 – 18:00 |
L. Drahos,
K. Vékey
Peptide fragmentation
– modelling and experiment design |
WeOr06 |
18:00 – 18:20 |
R. Flamini,
A. Dalla Vedova, D. Cancian, A. Panighel, M. De Rosso
characterization of volatile aromatic compounds from five
different woods used in making of barrels for the wine aging |
WeOr07 |
18:20 – 18:40 |
M. Zimnicka, W. Danikiewicz
Generation and
reactions of anionic
of nitrothiophenes and nitrofurans with C-H acids in a gas
phase |
18:40 – 19:00 |
Concluding remarks and invitation to
the 25th IMMS |
20:00 – |
Leaving party |
Thursday, May 18th,
2006 |
Departure of participants
tour to Szczyrk and Pszczyna has been cancelled due to
insufficient number of participants |
Posters -
Monday Session
MoPo01 |
Robert Jirásko, Michal Holčapek, Lenka Kolářová |
ESI-MSn characterization of organometallic Sb(III),
Bi(III) and Sn(IV) compounds |
MoPo02 |
Henri K. Ervasti, Karl J. Jobst, Peter C. Burgers, Paul J.A. Ruttink,
Johan K. Terlouw |
Can the prebiotic pyrimidine molecule be formed via an
ion-molecule reaction of acrylonitrile and HCN ? Theoretical
description of a roller coaster reaction |
MoPo03 |
S. Bekesova;
M. Polakova; M. Mastihubova; V. Kovacik |
ESI-Q-TOF MS study of 4-hydroxyphenylalkyl glycosides |
MoPo04 |
J. Čáslavský
and P. Řihák |
Mass spectrometry of cluster boron compounds |
MoPo05 |
R. Kalusová |
Determination of pesticide residues
in feedingstuffs using a HPLC-MS technique |
MoPo06 |
V.V. Chagovets,
O.A. Boryak, V.V. Shelkovsky, S.G. Stepanian and M.V.
Kosevich |
Secondary emission mass spectrometric and theoretical study
of nitrogen bases interactions with Cl- anion
MoPo07 |
Gitta Schlosser, Ferenc Hudecz, Gábor Mező
Demonstration of a non-native
disulfide pattern in alpha-conotoxin-GI peptide by enzymatic
digestion and tandem mass spectrometry |
MoPo08 |
M. Juhász,
Z. Zalán, F. Fülöp and K. Pihlaja |
Mass spectrometric behaviour of 1,3,4,2-oxadiazaphosphinane
2-oxides under electron ionization |
MoPo09 |
V. Kováčik,
S. Bekešová, V. Pätoprstý, P.Řehulka, J.Chmelík, P.Kováč |
Positive MALDI TOF/TOF mass spectrometric fragmentation of
synthetic analogs of saccharide part of lipopolysaccharides of vibrio cholerae O:1 |
MoPo10 |
Jan Nedved,
Martin Zabka, Vladimir Havlicek, Jan Sklenar, Jana Olsovska
The mass spectrometry analysis of secondary metabolites of
pseudallescheria boydii |
MoPo11 |
I. Fenesan, Simona Nicoara, Monica Culea, A. Hantz,
Al. Alexandri |
EI/MS analysis of some new cyanacetamid- and cyanethyl-
acetate oximinic esters of amidothiophosphonic acids |
MoPo12 |
Simona Nicoara,
N. Palibroda, I. Fenesan |
Cleavage pathways of some p-aminobenzene
thiophosphororganic sulfonamides under electron impact
ionisation |
MoPo13 |
J. Witowska-Jarosz, E. Rosłoniec, E. Orlińska-Mianowska, K.
Połeć-Pawlak, M. Jarosz |
Mass spectrometry in analysis of fabrics of historical
value: identification of blue natural and synthetic
dyestuffs |
MoPo14 |
Pavel Řehulka,
Helena Řehulková, Janette Bobáľová, Jitka Žídková and Josef
Chmelík |
High sequence coverage of the nonspecific lipid
transfer protein 1 from barley |
MoPo15 |
A. Panighel,
A. Dalla Vedova, M. Salvadori and R. Flamini |
GC/MS study of free and glycoside terpene alcohols of
White Muscat grape marc used in the Italian Grappa
production |
MoPo16 |
G. Aldini,
L. Gamberoni, M. Orioli, L. Regazzoni, R. Maffei Facino,
M. Carini |
ESI-MS infusion in the development of carbonyl quenchers: a
rapid and versatile tool to study reactivity, specificity,
and reaction mechanisms |
MoPo17 |
Monica Culea,
Onuc Cozar and Dumitru Ristoiu |
Methods validation for THMs determination in drinking water |
MoPo18 |
Olli Martiskainen,
Márta Juhász, Zita Zalán, Ferenc Fülöp, and Kalevi Pihlaja |
Electron ionization mass spectra of phosphorus-containing
2-oxides |
MoPo19 |
Joanna Szymura-Oleksiak, Marek Bednarski, Grażyna
Groszek, Małgorzata Szafarz, Barbara Filipek |
Use of liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry
method for the analysis of non-selective
compound (2f109) in rat plasma |
MoPo20 |
Dariusz Błachut, Witold Danikiewicz, Marian Olejnik,
Krystyna Wojtasiewicz and Zbigniew Czarnocki |
The MS study of some derivatives related to
amphetamine chemistry |
MoPo21 |
M. Kowalczuk |
Structural studies of copolyesters topology by ESI-MS
technique |
MoPo22 |
A. Mari,
V. Carbone, P. Saggese, A. Malorni |
Polyphenolic profile of a typical southern italy apple
cultivar by HPLC tandem mass spectrometry and
ultra performance liquid chromatography |
MoPo23 |
Barbora Papouskova,
Petr Bednar, Ouarda Brahmia, Hana Mestankova, Jaromir
Jirkovsky, Karel Lemr |
Mass spectrometric study of chemical warfare agents
degradation |
MoPo24 |
Petr Barták, Petr Bednář, Stanislav Opluštil, Lukáš Müller,
Magdalena Megová, Karel Lemr, Lubomír Čáp, Jakub Rolčík,
Martin Rulík |
GC/MS determination of phospholipid fatty acids –
possibilities and limitations |
MoPo25 |
P. Bednář,
B. Papoušková, M. Koutník, D. Jirovský, A. Balcárková, L.
Müller, P. Barták, J. Stávek, J. Balík, K. Lemr |
Mass spectrometric analysis of anthocyanins – new aspects
and applications |
MoPo26 |
M. Cuccurullo,
G. Cacace, A. Vilasi, G. Pocsfalvi, A. Malorni, G.B. Capasso |
Comparative analysis of protein patterns of urine and
dialyzed peritoneal liquid of a patient with kidney failure |
MoPo27 |
Petru Berdea, Stela Cuna, Cornel Cuna and Gabriela
Balas |
On the correction of the memory effect in isotopic
analysis |
MoPo28 |
V. Bocos-Bintintan, Stela Cuna |
Ultrasensitive detection of the pollutants by ion
mobility spectrometry- mass spectrometry |
MoPo29 |
F. Basilico,
L. Benazzi, D. Di Silvestre, A. Petretto, I. Levreri, G.
Melioli C. Farina, F. Mori and P. Mauri |
New approach method for rapid identification of
Hemoglobin variant using LC-MS/MS combined with peptide
database |
MoPo30 |
Miroslav Lísa, Michal Holčapek, Prokop Bernášek and
Helena Sovová |
characterization of products of black currant oil enzymatic
hydrolysis |
MoPo31 |
J. Sikora,
T. Rubel, J. Poznański, M. Boguta, M. Dadlez |
Mass spectrometry based differential proteomics of the
mitochondria of [psi+] and [psi-] Saccharomyces
Cerevisiae strains |
MoPo32 |
Pamula, C. Cuna, M. Leuca and I. Dobocan |
beam, double quadrupole mass filter for precise isotope
ratio measurements |
Posters -
Tuesday Session
TuPo01 |
I.B. Szymańska
and A.Błajet |
Electron-impact ionization mass spectra of copper and
palladium complexes with perfluorinated carboxylates and
alkenes |
TuPo02 |
Katalin B. Bai, Gitta Schlosser,
Ferenc Hudecz, Gabor Mező |
Unusual enzymatic degradation of branched polypeptide-methotrexate
conjugates studied by high-performance liquid chromatography
and tandem mass spectrometry |
TuPo03 |
I. Rutkowska-Włodarczyk, A. Kupniewska-Kozak, A.
Dziembowski, B. Seraphin and M. Dadlez
Protein’s structures determinations using mass spectrometry |
TuPo04 |
P. Kačer,
K. Syslová, M. Kuzma, P. Klusáčková, J. Lebedová, D.
Pelclová |
HPLC/MS analysis of oxidative stress biomarkers |
TuPo05 |
R. Lizak, J. Rachubik, J. Piskorska-Pliszczynska and
B. Kowalski |
requirements for dioxin determination in dairy products by
high resolution mass spectrometry |
TuPo06 |
R. Lizak, J. Piskorska-Pliszczynska, J. Rachubik, M.
Warenik and B. Kowalski |
as a confirmatory method for
PCDD/Fs analysis in selected feedingstuffs |
TuPo07 |
Karel Mazanec,
Karel Šlais, and Josef Chmelík |
of color low-molecular mass
pI markers by
MALDI-TOF/TOF MS and their use for direct
determination of pI value of proteins |
TuPo08 |
and M. Mojski |
ESI - MS study of tripeptide copper complexes transport
through a model membrane of stratum corneum
TuPo09 |
M. Culea
Characterization of some bioactive compounds in herbs and
drinks |
TuPo10 |
V.A. Pashynska,
M.V. Kosevich, H. Van den Heuvel, M. Claeys |
Comparative analysis of in-source CID and MS/MS CID under
ESI mass spectrometry by the example of bisquaternary
ammonium agent decamethoxinum |
TuPo11 |
Marco Pitton,
Federico M Rubino, Gabri Brambilla and Antonio Colombi |
Energy-resolved mass spectrometric study of the glutathione
metaboloma peptides. |
TuPo12 |
Ferenc Pollreisz,
Tímea Imre, Gitta Schlosser, Pál Szabó, Gabriella Pocsfalvi,
Károly Vékey |
behavior of intact proteins on a
Q-TOF type instrument |
TuPo13 |
R. Ruzik,
K. Abramski, E. Lipiec, M. Ciurzyńska, H. Gawrońska and K.
Połeć-Pawlak |
The role of phytochelatins in deactivation of cadmium and
lead in arabidopsis thaliana – the task for
electrospray MS |
TuPo14 |
L. Mattoli, F. Cangi, A. Maidecchi, C. Ghiara, E. Ragazzi, M.
Tubaro, L. Stella, F. Tisato and P. Traldi |
Metabolomic fingerprinting of plant extracts |
TuPo15 |
Ewelina Jezierska, Joanna Szymura-Oleksiak, Elżbieta Pękala |
Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of propentofylline
and its chiral metabolite in rats |
TuPo16 |
K. Syslová,
P. Kačer, M. Kuzma, P. Klusáčková, J. Lebedová, D. Pelclová |
Coupling HPLC/MS with immunoseparation for monitoring of
inflammatory markers in exhaled breath condensate
TuPo17 |
L. R. Orelli, M. B. García, I. A. Perillo, L. Tonidandel
and P. Traldi |
A comparison of electron ionization and electrospray
behaviours of some N,N´- disubstituted hexahydropyrimidines |
TuPo18 |
and Piotr Suchocki |
Studies of selenium containing acyl glycerides by mass
spectrometry |
TuPo19 |
and Janusz Jurczak |
Studies of formation and decomposition of anion
complexes with macrocyclic tetraamides using electrospray
ionization mass spectrometry |
TuPo20 |
N. Kirschner, L. I. Gémesi and M. Kapás |
Mass spectral
properties of RGH-10885 and its metabolites in ion trap
LC/MS and LC/MS/MS |
TuPo21 |
Federico M Rubino
Marco Pitton, Gabri Brambilla and Antonio Colombi |
Mechanistic insight into the toxicity of heavy metals (Zn,
Cd, Hg, Pb) through the mass spectrometric study of their
glutathione conjugates. |
TuPo22 |
Gitta Schlosser,
Gabriella Pocsfalvi, Zsuzsa Majer |
Al(III) binding of neurofilament analogue peptides studied
by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry |
TuPo23 |
Zabka M.,
Nedved J., Olsovska J., Sklenar J. and Havlicek V. |
Effect of cultivation conditions on production of secondary
metabolites of Pseudallescheria boydii. |
TuPo24 |
Vaclav Ranc,
Petr Bednar, Petr Frycak and Karel Lemr |
Discrimination of isomers by the Cooks kinetic method –
comparison of instruments |
TuPo25 |
Małgorzata Olejnik,
Teresa Szprengier-Juszkiewicz |
residues analysis: problems with quantification by
ion trap spectrometer
TuPo26 |
Jan Sklenar,
Miroslav Sulc, Martin Zabka, and Vladimir Havlicek |
fungus Pseudallescheria boydii secreted
peptide - the potential marker in diagnostics of fungal
infection? |
TuPo27 |
Łukasz Marczak,
Maciej Stobiecki |
Identification of proteins from white lupin (Lupinus
albus) apoplastic fluids using MALDI-TOF mass
spectrometer |
TuPo28 |
Lewis P. Mark, Matthew C. Gill,
Marek Mahut and Peter J. Derrick |
A dual-channeled nano-electrospray source
for mass spectrometry |
TuPo29 |
Matthew C. Gill,
Mark P. Barrow, Alexander W. Colburn, Anastassios E.
Giannakopulos and Peter J. Derrick |
The ion conveyor: an intermediate pressure ion focussing and
transfer device |
TuPo30 |
L. Sanguinet, O. Alévêque, P. Blanchard, M. Dias, E.
Levillain, D. Rondeau |
Desorption/ionization on self-assembled monolayer surface
(DIAMS): a novel free laser ionization/desorption method |
TuPo31 |
Joanna Biernat, Krystyna Szymczyk |
Determination of different derivatives of 3-
monochloropropane-1,2-diol (3-MCPD) in sugar by GC/MS/MS |