To give the participants as much time for contacts as possible we
decided to organize IMMS at the "all in one" place: Hotel Muflon in
Ustron (
- unfortunately, this site is in Polish only). This hotel will
provide all necessary facilities: accommodation in the single and
double rooms, meals, lecture room, space for posters and sponsoring
companies stands, as well as café-bar for more informal contacts. In
our opinion this solution will save a lot of time required usually
for moving between the hotels and the lecture room, giving the
participants more time for discussions.

We strongly suggest staying in this hotel, but of course the
participants have a full freedom to select any other hotel or
pension in Ustron. Information about Ustron can be found on the
following page (in Polish, English and German): There are also two
Polish pages: and . On the latter site there is also some
information in English and German.
As stated above, we suggest to book a room in Hotel Muflon:
ORW Muflon
ul. Sanatoryjna 32,
43-450 Ustron, Poland
phone: +48 33 854 27
11 or 854 37 15
fax: +48 33 854 29 92
It provides good quality single and double rooms equipped with a
bathroom and satellite TV. You can make your reservation by e-mail
or fax. You can select English, German and, of course, Polish
language for correspondence. In all correspondence you should state
that you are going to participate in the 24th IMMS
conference. If you will have any problems contacting Muflon please
ask for help the Organizing Committee of the 24th IMMS.
Approximate prices (some small changes are possible), including conference discount, are as follows (1 euro
= approx. 4 PLN):
- One night in a double room: 60 PLN per person.
- One night in a single room: 92 PLN
- Breakfast (buffet): 18 PLN
- Lunch: 28 PLN
Price of a dinner is not included, because dinners (or their
substitutes) will be, hopefully, provided by the organizers for free with
exception of the conference dinner (see "Social
Important: Hotel Muflon does not have a real restaurant,
so it serves meals only for the people who ordered them in advance
(at least one day). There are, of course, many restaurants in Ustron,
however they are located about 20 - 30 minutes walk from the hotel.