Work Description



The work of  CEDNETS is implemented by four workpackages:


  WP1 Workshops for experts


    WP2  Ph.D./Postgraduate Studies


    WP3  Building a capacity of the Center 


   WP4 Promotion




WP1 – Workshops for experts



 *  3rd Polish-German Workshop on Chemistry of Natural Products, Synthesis, Chirality, Diversity, 1-6 June 2004, Rydzyna


  * International Symposium MODERN ASPECTS OF SUGAR CHEMISTRY, IOC PAS, 29 September 2003, Warsaw


Sugars in the synthesis of natural products

 Workshop on the recent applications of sugars as chirons, planned in June 2005.


Both workshops will enhance the contacts between the Polish scientists and the leading researchers from abroad. All conference materials will be displayed on our web-site.



WP2 – Ph.D./Postgraduate Studies


         International exchange of scientists:


Our scientific groups involved in CEDNETS would like to expand their programs by application of biosynthetic methodologies and computational methods. We think that on the level of the Ph.D. program it can best realized by direct training of young researchers in the leading laboratories with specific profile of research. Alternatively, we can offer a special training in high-pressure organic synthesis in our well-equipped laboratory.



WP3 – Building capacity of the Center



This workpackage is devoted to establish a better cooperation with the European Union, to promote the Center all over Europe. It is designed also to train people in chemistry in Poland by means of involvement of CEDNETS.


We plan to invite 5 people (young researchers, Ph.D. students for a longer – 2 months – visit to CEDNETS. Also we would like to send our researchers (young but also senior ones) to the leading laboratories in Europe for a longer (2 months) visit.


Our groups involved in CEDNETS would like to expand their programs by application of biosynthetic methodologies and computational methods (e.g. cooperation with Prof. S. Perez, France), which – so far – are not represented widely at the IOC PAS. On the other hand, we can offer a special training in high-pressure organic synthesis in our well-equipped laboratory. The exchange of the researchers will help to integrate the Polish scientists (especially the younger ones) with the EU.




WP4 – Promotion


This workpackage is directed towards promotion of the CEDNETS in Europe. This will be implemented by creation and maintaining the web-site and issuing the promotion materials.