Beata Koszarna was born in Staszów (Poland) in 1977. She obtained her M. Sc. from the Warsaw University under the guidance of Prof. A. Temeriusz and her Ph. D. degree from The Institute of Organic Chemistry of Polish Academy of Sciences, working with Prof. Daniel T. Gryko on the development of new methods for the synthesis of meso-substituted corroles. Rather than going for post-doc she decided to stay with her boss to the end. Since 2006, she has held the assistant position in the laboratory of Prof. Gryko. Her current research interests are focused on the synthesis of porphyrins and pyrrole derivatives. She is a happy mother of Tymon and Ignacy.
Mariusz Tasior, born in Brzesko (Poland) in 1980, received his M.Sc. from the Warsaw University while conducting research under the guidance of Professor Daniel Gryko. He continued his research in the same team and obtained his Ph.D. from the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, in 2008. He worked as a postdoctoral research fellow under the supervision of Professor Donal F. O'Shea in University College Dublin (2008-2010), before obtaining a postdoctoral position at the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Professor Gryko's group. His current research interests are focused on the synthesis and spectroscopy of advanced functional dyes with a special emphasis given to porphyrinoid family (corroles etc.).
Olena Vakuliuk gained her MSc from Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in 2005. In 2007, she had joined Professor Daniel Gryko's research team and completed her PhD in 2011. After two-and-a-half-year postdoctoral stay at the Warsaw University of Technology, Olena returned to where she belongs. Her research interest currently focuses on design and synthesis of functional dyes for fluorescence imaging but not only.
Yevgen Poronik was born in Kyiv (Ukraine) in 1978. He obtained his M.Sc. from Kyiv Polytechnical Institute in 2001. He gained his Ph.D. from the Institute of Organic Chemistry National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 2007 under the supervision of Dr. Yuriy Kovtun. He joined the Institute of Organic Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences in May 2010 as a postdoctoral fellow in Professor Daniel Gryko's research team. His research interest currently focuses on developing new organic dyes for two-photon fluorescence imaging.
Krzysztof Górski received his M.Sc. from the Warsaw University at 2012 under supervisions of Professor Marek Pietraszkiewicz and Professor Andrzej Kudelski. He continued his research about heterotruxenes in Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences where obtained his Ph.D in 2020, under supervision of Professor Marek Pietraszkiewicz. Currently works as a postdoctoral research fellow in Professor Daniel Gryko group. His research interests are focused on the synthesis and physichochemistry of (hetero)aromatic advanced functional dyes.
Łukasz Kielesiński was born in Kielce (Poland) in 1989. He studied chemistry at the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce where received his M.Sc. in 2013. Then he joined the Professor Daniel Gryko group. In 2015 he started interdisciplinary PhD studies in the Institute of Physics of Polish Academy of Sciences where received his Ph.D in 2020, under supervision of Professor Daniel Gryko. Currently he works as a postdoc in the Institute of Organic Chemistry PAS in the Gryko group. His research interests are focused on the synthesis of functional dyes and their photophysical properties.
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No info at the moment.
Kamil Skonieczny was born in Warsaw (Poland) in 1987. He is studying chemistry at University in Siedlce. Currently he is MSc student in the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences under the guidance of Prof. Daniel T. Gryko. The Master thesis will be prepared in the TEAM project - Novel chromophores for two-photon excitation fluorescence microscopy.
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Jaqueline Stella Araujo Badaro was born in Brazil in 1995, and in 2001 together with her parents she moved to Italy. She lived in Turin until she graduated with a Master's degree in Chemistry at the University of Turin in 2020 with a Thesis titled: "Design, synthesis and docking of new metallo beta-lactamases inhibitors". In November 2020 she joined Professor's Daniel T. Gryko for her PhD studies at the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Gana Sanil graduated with a Masters in Chemistry from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Trivandrum, India in 2019. During her undergraduate studies, she did short term projects on the synthesis of extended pentalene systems at Central University of Tamilnadu, India and on Porphyrin synthesis at IISER TVM, India. Her Master's thesis was based on the synthesis of expanded Porphyrins which was carried out at IISER TVM, India. Currently she is working on synthesis and optical studies of planar and curved π-expanded analogues of pyrrolo[3,2-b]pyrroles.
Born 1994, Warsaw. MSc 2021, "Photocatalytic synthesis of indolinones from chlorobenzamides in microheterogenous solutions" under dr Maciej Giedyk at UW/IChO. Currently PhD student researching fluorescence of coumarins.
Wojciech Petrykowski was born in 2000. He finished The Academic High School in Toruń (Poland), where he was a laureate of Polish Chemistry Olympiad. His bachelor's thesis, which he did under the supervision of prof. Michał Chmielewski in 2022, was based on the synthesis and post-synthetic modification of metal-organic frameworks. Wojciech joined prof. Daniel Gryko's team in 2022 and graduated from University of Warsaw with a master's degree in 2024. His thesis was focused on the synthesis of double helicenes based on the pyrrolo[3,2-b]pyrrole core. Currently he is working on new fluorescent radicals.
Bartosz Godlewski was born in Warsaw, Poland in 2000. He graduated summa cum laude from Warsaw University of Technology (Faculty of Chemistry) in 2024. His B.Eng., as well as Master of Engineering theses (under supervision of Dr Maciej Malinowski) were based on synthesis of novel sugar-porphyrin conjugates and advanced Pd-catalyzed coupling methodology. Then, he moved to Professor Daniel Gryko research group, where he pursues his Ph.D. title. Currently, his research interests are focused on synthesis of new luminescent organic radicals, with emphasis on triarylmethane scaffolds.
Nabeel Backer earned his bachelor's degree in chemistry from the University of Calicut, India. He then pursued a master's degree in medicinal chemistry at the Central University of Punjab, where he focused on developing anticancer drugs targeting dUTPase under the guidance of Dr. Pradeep Kumar. After completing his master's, he worked as a project associate under Dr. K.V. Radhakrishnan at CSIR-NIIST, contributing to the CSIR-Antiviral Mission by exploring natural product-derived molecules. He also served as a DST-INSPIRE Junior Research Fellow (JRF) with Dr. Kaustabh Kumar Maiti, where he developed a dual photo-chemo therapeutic strategy for cancer treatment. Currently, Nabeel is a Ph.D. scholar in Prof. Daniel Gryko's group at the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, focusing on synthesizing stable helical radicals, aiming to achieve 20% emission efficiency in the NIR-II region with radical chromophores.
Krzysztof Kochanowski was born in Warsaw (Poland) in 2002. He graduated from 9th High School in Warsaw and was a scholar at Polish Children's Fund. He is currently a bachelor student at Warsaw University, where he studies chemistry and physics. Since September 2021 he has been working in Professor Daniel T. Gryko’s group on pyrrolo[3,2-b]pyrroles.
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No info at the moment.